2021; another year in the books. Another year to review, to reflect, to learn from.

The posts have been few and far between since last year’s review, to say the least. There’s no real reason other than the basic fact that ‘you get out what you put in’. And, I just wasn’t putting anything in.

Nonetheless, here we go.

Sometimes you’re the hammer, sometimes you’re the nail

Here’s how you don’t hurt anyone in life; do nothing.

Don’t start, don’t end, don’t try, don’t learn, don’t connect, don’t fail, don’t succeed, don’t Love, don’t live.

Here’s how you don’t get hurt in life; do nothing.

Don’t start, don’t end, don’t try, don’t learn, don’t connect, don’t fail, don’t succeed, don’t Love, don’t live.

It’s astonishing, the degree to which we try to protect ourselves, and others. To protect egos, psyches, ideologies, beliefs, feelings, emotions and hearts. In essence, the impossible. We despise not having control. The fear we invoke is because of it. While many a great achievement came from believing the impossible is possible, this isn’t one of them.

We try to avoid fear in aim of having control. Both of those never come true. We never completely avoid fear and we never completely have control. Because of that, what we really miss out on is the actual loss; truth, growth, vulnerability, trust, faith and peace.

Your happiness is your responsibility


What’s also your responsibility is knowing that you have to ask others to help you with your happiness.

You really have to Love yourself

It took me a really really long time to understand this one. In fact, so much so, that I just didn’t believe it. I dismissed this hypothesis every time I’d read something about it, watched something about it or listened to something about it. I think, mainly, for two reasons; I never really came across actual instructions to this and I never really tested the hypothesis.

I get it now, though.

I, also, get why there aren’t really any instructions and why I never really tested the hypothesis. Reason being, we all come with our own instructions and once you start following them, that’s actually the test.

This is one is a lot of work, but it’s not really “work”, per se. It’s not work because you’re sorting out who you are. You’re figuring out what makes you the best version of you. You’re understanding what’s truly important to your life. You’re realizing what brings peace to your being.  And, the reason why there are no instructions to pull up or download, is because they’re like your fingerprints – you have the only set that belongs to you. It’s all in your own hands.

Quitting isn’t giving up

If you really want something and you’re supposed to have it, the Universe won’t let you give up. So long as you’re honest with your self. Otherwise, learn the lesson, let it go, move on.

Vibration, vibration, vibration

It was long thought, and still is for the most part, that you can either go with science or spirituality. But, not both. Only since the daring integration of these two practices have we really been able to discover the real potential and expanse of whatever this is and whatever we are.

Science tells us that everything is energy. Every object, every being, every thought, every emotion carries a frequency – a vibration. Spirituality tells us that it’s what connects, literally, everyone and everything.

The more we become aware, embrace and appreciate this power, the more we find alignment. It takes practice and discernment. It takes rewiring what we think we know, to learning the next step in our evolution. It takes knowing that even though you are good enough, you’re maybe not doing good enough. We’re the architects of what feels like a punishment and what feels like a reward. Everything is all about where you find yourself vibrationally.

You’re crazy if you DON’T talk to yourself

We don’t spend enough time with our thoughts, reflecting, assessing, flowing. Sure, we spend the time up there, but not constructively. We ruminate. We agonize about the past and we worry about the future.

The purpose of all those electrical signals and synapses housed in your brain isn’t just to power the functions of your physical being. It’s to bridge all of your faculties together, your mind, your body, your heart, to guide you. To use the energetic connection you have to access all that was, is and will be.

Ask yourself, as though you weren’t yourself, anything. Talk to yourself about your stresses, your goals, your successes – ask yourself advice about anything you’d ask someone else about. How much do we really try to get to know ourselves? It’s no different than learning about someone else. You speak. You listen. You connect.

Start first with silence. Silence is deafening.

You can (likely) always do better

Life becomes barren when you stop growing. There are all sorts of neurological data to support this. Motor function, brain function, cognitive performance; all degrade if not engaged, maintained and strengthened. That’s easy to make sense of, certainly, from a scientific standpoint. But, there’s something else. What about your soul? Think about something that has no beginning, no ending, no parameters, no limitations and is the entire Universe – stuck in the shape of a head, two arms, a torso and a couple of legs….exactly.

Your soul wants to expand, always. No matter what age, circumstance, belief system, infirmity or opportunity. There is no “best” to your soul. No “top”. There is a never-ending ability to be a student. And, if by some chance, you’ve learned everything there is to learn, be a teacher – it will show you how much more there still is to learn.

You can always do better.

Don’t forget about your future self

It’s really important to live in the now. To be one with the Universe. To understand that if something were supposed to be a certain way, then it would be that way and if you don’t like it, that you can always do something about it.

It’s also really important to remember that whatever you borrow on today, your future self pays for tomorrow. And, that applies to absolutely every part of life – your health, your wealth, your relationships, your self-worth, your self-respect and Love.

It’s not necessarily that karma will get you, it’s just that you really are what you create. And, ultimately, no one outruns the universe.

Tough Love is still Love

I think we care a lot more about Love these days. It probably doesn’t seem like we do, but we do. The thing is, we care more than we can keep up. It’s not really our fault. Sometimes that happens with an idea – we get so intrigued and excited by it, but actually don’t figure how it works, what it’s for and how to use it. So, we get a bit lost in it without even realizing it and maybe even thinking we’re doing it.

What do we do about it? See the aforementioned commentary above. Love really is everything. But, it manifests itself in so many ways. Most of which, I think, we don’t even realize. While Love certainly does occupy an ethereal space that knows no bounds or limitations, it’s also really grounded and centered. It’s incredibly functional and operational. It’s all a matter of perspective and application. This isn’t said to try and demote Love to a proverbial checklist, one line to the next. It’s to say that Love is found everywhere, with the power to guide every aspect of your life.

Sometimes, Love needs to be the most understanding, compassionate, empathetic open arms in the whole wide universe. Other times, it needs to tell you that you need to do more. For you.

Because you make the Universe a better place.

Be Love.