“Did you get what you wanted?”

Was the question, Earl the guy at the paint store asked me while we were waiting for my bill to be printed. As a side note, legit, his name was Earl; probably a pre-requisite to be working at the paint store. 🙂

Because Earl was a very kind and friendly soul, he asked me how Christmas went. And, to be honest, even though we were on the topic of ol’ Santy Claus, I couldn’t have been further from thinking about him and Rudolph.

“No, I didn’t get what I wanted”, was the thought in my head. But, it wasn’t about what was or wasn’t under the Christmas tree; it was about where, what and who I was right then and there. It was all about the darn universe, again.

It’s not as though I felt slighted or cheated or anything like that, it’s just that it sort of sunk my spirit. Like, an anchor just pulled me down. I felt incomplete, a hole in the middle, a donut. Why WASN’T I getting what I wanted?

Probably, because I don’t think I’ve been asking.

As kids, we stood a lot better of a chance getting what we wanted if we made a list for our parents to give to Santa. Otherwise, how would he know? Whether we knew it or not, it was all about our intention to get that Nintendo.

Invariably, we all want something or somethings. A car, a dream job, a best friend, a television, Love (we all just really want Love. Everything else is noise). But, what are we doing about it? Me? I probably take the wrong angle more often than I take the right one. And, the wrong angle is not having intention. It’s focusing on what I don’t have, not creating what I can have.

It’s, basically, not taking accountability for what can be yours. It’s not living in the space you want to be in. It’s corny, but if you want to be a winner, you have to start thinking and playing like a winner before the game even starts. External factors aren’t the reason why we feel like something’s missing. Everything is in us.

Finding a television is the same as discovering your dream job as it is being Love. It’s all about intention from within. The avenue you take might be different, but the foundational path is the same. Get some flyers and see what kind of televisions are out there. Sit at the table and make a list of everything that would encompass your dream job and what you need to do to make it real. And, simply, to get Love, you have to give Love. You have to be Love.

It’s all about intention.

There’s nothing outside of you that will fill the hole, no matter how little or big, how material or spiritual. Everything is inside of you and is driven by your intention to discover it.

The starting point is asking for what you want. It’s trusting that Love will give you the answer; but you have to ask. Otherwise, the answer is always no. And, what comes may or may not be the way you want or expect it to, but your intention is what keeps the course. You’ll get what you need to get, even though you may not know why at the time. Be the question, be the answer.

be Love.
