There’s a place beyond this “place” where you are the real You.

I don’t think you could mail anything there or find it on your GPS – I don’t think it would really matter, anyway. You know where it is; you’ve been there before. You’ve been there before because it’s where you really came from.

These days, you may not go back very often, or maybe you do? There’s a good possibility you may not even notice when you’re there, but I’m surely sure you’ve been back at some point along the way.

The reason it maybe doesn’t feel like you spend any time there, or may not even know what the heck I’m talking about, is not because we’re busy doing stuff, it’s because we’re busy not doing the right stuff. I get it, there’s a lot of things going on in your world. You need to attend to all these things or everything will end in disaster. But, the truth that will find you eventually, is that this isn’t really your world.

By whatever grace, whether intentional or otherwise, when you clear the clutter from your Heart, this is when you go back. It might be a walk through the trees, a compelling, thought-provoking book, painting a picture, or simply telling yourself that you are Love, is when you return to this place.

It’s when you don’t think about what you don’t own or what you see in the mirror, or who you need to impress or who you think should be impressing you, that you find this place, again. Freeing your physical self by doing things like experiencing nature, going to yoga or creating something with your soul, are really just tools to help free the part of your mind that is stubbornly grounded here. I’ll even venture to say that if reading this strikes even the tiniest of chords with you, you can feel what I’m talking about.

This isn’t really where you are; you’re just visiting.

You don’t have to change anything. You don’t even have to change yourself. But, you have the power to acknowledge that nothing in this world has any power over you to stop you from being You. Anything that can befall you here is only physical. Does that mean life can’t get tough? Or course not. It can get really tough and really terrible. But, it can’t take you away from You.

There is a way to be everything to this world, yet acknowledge that this world has nothing on you – it’s simply to remind yourself, that what you really are is Love. ALL, you really are is Love. That’s all you’re here to be, that’s all you’re here to do. It’s the only thing you brought with you and it’s the only thing you can take with you.

be Love.
