be Love

Showing: 1 - 5 of 5 RESULTS
heart to heart

save it for chocolates.

I just had a moment. One of those, “I’m bullshit”, moments. Not the greatest when it happens; but in this case, very necessary. As I started writing this original post, I typed….and paused. I typed, again; pause, again. Erase. Pause. …

heart to heart

premium or regular?

Where do you fill up? Better yet; how are you filling up? Ever just stop and feel where you are and what you’re doing? Ever take a second to really tune into what’s happening inside of you; where you are, …

heart to heart

accepted everywhere

Chances are, you’re probably doing it wrong. It seems as though you have it figured out, but you probably don’t. Not entirely, at least. It’s the reason why you could usually feel better on any given day. Or, every day, …