be Love

Showing: 1 - 10 of 56 RESULTS
heart to heart

your resume v. your eulogy

We live our lives in a certain way, but hope we’ll be remembered differently. We strive for accomplishment, for success, fame, notoriety; the bigger and better of everything. All great things. All things that move us “forward”. And, as long …

heart to heart

back to basics

So….I’m bad at Love. True. And, also, bummer for me. Okay. So, maybe “bad” is a bit harsh and Love wouldn’t like me to put it in those terms, but I don’t think I’m very good at it. Stick with …

heart to heart


“There’s nothing to fear but fear itself” Don’t you kinda want to lovingly trip the people that say that? Often, they’re usually the biggest ‘fraidy cats, too. Say, “spider” and they’re leaping out of their seat. Nothing to fear, hey? …

heart to heart

you can spare it

Change. It may be safe to say that thinking about all the things you’d like to change in your life, right now, big or small, might cause you a bit of anxiety. Or, at the least, cue the internal monologue …

heart to heart


I’m excited for you. I’m excited that every day you have here is another opportunity to be the light that you are. I’m excited that no matter what has happened, what is happening and what will happen, that you know …