I’ve never really understood the make-believe solace behind, “well, it could always be worse”. Whether we’re hearing it or saying it to ourselves, is there really any comfort behind that statement? Does it really offer any reassurance of anything? Do ya feel any better?!

Big or small, being conscious and cognizant that you may not really have it all that bad with whatever you’re dealing with, is a good thing. It’s a great thing, actually. Grounded awareness is just another stepping stone toward whatever mountaintop, skyward-reaching path you’re creating for yourself. But, the “it could always be worse” philosophy, just stinks.

The other day, I had watched a video of a young woman that only had the use of her legs. She did everything an “able” bodied person could do. She drove a car, washed the dishes, used a computer, wrote notes and correspondence; all with her feet and legs – she couldn’t use her arms. She didn’t have any.

I as watched this short, daily routine videography of this woman, my amazement just grew and grew. This woman, by simply (not easily), living her life to the best ability she believed she could, exponentially expanded my consciousness, albeit for a moment, of what I can be capable of. This woman was the embodiment of what can be possible when we choose to think grander than our perceived parameters and limitations. I was motivated, I was inspired.

And then….there they were; the viewer comments. Don’t get me wrong, there was a whole bunch of really great, really encouraging, really thoughtful messages from people; wonderful, wonderful stuff. But, sadly, my attention was caught especially by one – “a reminder that your problems aren’t really problems”. (Cue customary 1980’s video arcade game-over sound.)

I read that comment and thought, “that sucks”. That perspective, that projection, that approach to it; that sucks. Yes, of course maybe your problems aren’t that bad and things could always be better, but this woman is something amazing. More than amazing, in fact. Her drive to live her life as best as she can acts to advance the entire consciousness of us all. It breaks down preconceived notions and stereotypical ideas of what we confine ourselves to within the parameters we surrender ourselves for. Knowingly or not, she is changing how we think.

I don’t doubt for a moment that one comment was left with good intention. But, here’s the opportunity we can all cease to change consciousness and vibration. Look around you, look outside of you, look inside of you and all the situations you are in; don’t see the “things could always be better” angle. See the “how amazing can I make myself today” angle.

Anything that someone else can do, you can do. We are all given the same tools to work with; a heart and a mind. The rest, as this woman proves, is incidental. Each time we do something we didn’t think we could, or we see something we didn’t think was possible, we expand our consciousness. We evolve. We become bigger. We give ourselves that little bit of extra proof that the only thing that’s really holding us back, is us.

Inspiration is like a tree falling in the woods; it needs a receiver to create a stir, to create action. Otherwise, it’s just waving in the air.

Be Love.
