We are all responsible for the energy we carry with us.

It’s not meant to be a daunting provocation; it is however, meant to be a resolute reminder. What we carry with us, what we bring with us, will be the moment in which we live. It is as much becoming a product of your environment as it is shaping the environment to be a product of you. That is what energy does.

Be that as it may, this responsibility isn’t a full time job; for two reasons. One – you’re a human being; you can’t always be expected to be ‘on’. Sometimes, you just aren’t there and that’s ok (these are the times when we need someone else to help us out or also when we can just be in the muck). And, two – every moment is another opportunity to raise yourself to a higher energy. You can, literally, reset yourself at any moment in time.

The impact of your presence, intentional or not, is felt by everyone who is connected with you. Argument aside, we are all connected. But, this is also to varying degrees. In fact, even you, yourself, experience your own presence. It seems redundant, but you supply the environment with your energy that creates the energy you supply the environment with. You exist in that environment absorbing what is in that energetic field. Speaking in circles, am I? Think of a time when something crummy happened to you. You rehashed it in your mind. You felt sorry for yourself. You began to agonize over it. You felt even more sorry for yourself. You scrutinized every little detail of the incident while getting deeper into it. You felt the despair of it and so on and so forth.

It’s the same effect as with offering the beauty inside of you; the smile you wear on your face, the way you greet another human being; stranger or friend, the bounce you have in your step. This creates the energy that surrounds everything. And, that’s just the surface stuff. It’s also the deeper, internal energy you carry that will permeate your environment and the people in it. Similarly, you are a receiver of outside energies which are absorbed by your energy field whether you “see” anything or not. Ever know a person that just makes you feel better even if they’re not doing so great? Ever know a person that can just suck the life out of you even if they’re sunshine and lollipops? This is why; it’s the energy thing.

This isn’t as labour intensive or complicated as it may come off to be. It’s really just an acknowledgement and awareness of how we propel our own Universe and those of others around us. There will be people that pick us up and there will be people that we pick up. There will be instances whereby everyone seems to on top of the mountain and others where misery will certainly love company.

Be responsible for your energy. Or, start by just knowing you are responsible for your energy. Feel your energy, feel the energy around you. Connect with it; realize that it is not separate from you. It’s all a conduit to access the truly higher being that you are. And, really, it simply can improve your life. These words; connection, energy, absorb, resonate – they are all related because they drive each other. These actions drive the greater You.

Your presence is a gift. Unwrap it.

Be Love.