
Journals, mantras, meditations.

Buddhism teaches it, the Law of Attraction promotes it; you could probably thumb through Instagram quotes til forever about it.

I get the theory that a daily gratitude practice is part of the way to “live your best life”. And, objectively, if you want to sit in front of a candle, silent, introspective and mindfully reflect on all you have to be grateful for, well, ok. I can’t see there being anything wrong with that. It’s, for sure, a good place to hold space in.

But, I think there’s more. I think there’s a different way.

Gratitude is making the most of your opportunities. And, if there’s any constant truth, it’s that we all have opportunities. I don’t mean grandiose, life-changing (or even semi-life changing) opportunities. I just mean the opportunities that are everywhere in your everyday.

The Universe is about opportunity. It’s about providing us with the doorways to make the most (or least) with our lives.

It’s not that the Universe will ever stop giving us the chance to thrive, either – it just wants us to use those opportunities; to identify them, to acknowledge them, to take advantage of them. That’s gratitude – using what’s been provided to the best of yours, and its, ability. It’s great to pencil a few lines in your gratitude journal every day, but want to show the Universe how really thankful you are? Use it.

It makes me think of my early teenage years. I’d only ever had a hand-me-down bicycle previously owned by my older brother. Eventually, with enough begging and pleading, my dad finally bought me my first, very own, bicycle. A pretty great mountain bike, too. I was thankful for my new bike but, words were only a part of it. One day, at school, I didn’t lock that bike up. And, of course, it was stolen. My dad wasn’t really big on thanks or apologies. He was about responsibility and action. He believed that appreciation was doing the part you should be doing. I didn’t hold up my end of the bargain, on that day, with the opportunity I was given. I blew it. My father wasn’t mad, he wasn’t upset – I just didn’t have a new mountain bike, anymore. We could afford another one, but it wasn’t about that. I just blew it.

So, back to the hand-down-me bike, I went. It still got me to school or to go ride around with my friends. But, it wasn’t as good as my bike. It wasn’t as fun.

Eventually, my dad did replace the stolen bike. At some point, he’d decided I’d learned my lesson and gave me another opportunity to be better. That bike is still in my parents’ garage to this very day. I think he even rides it himself, from time to time.

The Universe isn’t asking you to bow down to it or recite 108 thank-yous every morning. The opportunities it gives are what it wants you to capitalize on. And, they’re all for you. All for you to be the best to yourself, to the people around you and to this life. When those doorways are walked through, they don’t stop; more open up.

This version of gratitude to the Universe isn’t complicated. Take care of your physical self. Be active, eat well, get rest. If you’re like me and do yoga once every four weeks; it’s great but it’s tough. I feel good from it, but I bet if I did it more, I’d get stronger at it, feel even better and enjoy it even more. All benefits to my physical, and mental, well-being. Whatever place you live in, keep it tidy. Respect the space you have and appreciate the flow of energy you create where you spend your time. Whatever job you have, find the part of it that you can be you, at. If you have a bit of extra money, and even if you don’t, share it. Don’t waste whatever food you have. Do the littlest things to be kind to the environment. Be honest. Be trustworthy. Have integrity. And, biggest of all, Love the people you have in your life to Love. Hug them, kiss them, spend time with them, be kind to them, help them, let them help you, talk with them, connect with them, give of yourself to them. I’m pretty stubborn in my belief that this life is all about Love. And, relationships. Relationships with your mind, your body, the environment, the Universe and, above all, people and your Self.

Thank you.

Be Love.