What if you worked for Love?
Ever wonder what that would be like? Of course not. That would be craaaaaazy. 🙂
Okay seriously (I know, I know), what would it be like if you worked for Love?
Well, you could never do anything wrong, for starters.
You would never have to worry about being late.
If you wanted more Love, you would just have to ask. And, you’d get it. No more waiting for the annual review process and being compared to the mega keener who sits in the cubicle across the way.
Oh, you’d ALWAYS like going to work!
You could wear whatever you wanted.
It’s the ultimate in job security.
There’s unlimited vacation. Although, every day would feel like a vacation, anyway.
It’s extremely rewarding.
Everyone else who works there is really great.
You get the corner office. In fact, the whole place is corner offices.
We do the things we do, live the lives we live, think the things we think, a little bit backwards. If ever in the right direction at all.
Instead of doing what you do, and maybe shining a little Love here and there in the process, what if, at the start and end of everything we did, there was Love? So much of our life is oriented toward achieving some sort of tangible goal, from a daily to an annual basis. Rarely, do we ever set the goal to “work in Love”, and allow the rest to come towards it.
Sure, you go to your earthly job to get a paycheque; yes, money is important. But, what if you used it as vehicle to see how many lives you could positively impact in a given day.
You exercise each day, not with the drudgery of just getting it over with, but because keeping healthy and active is way to Love yourself.
You, perpetually, turn the other cheek because Love is all that matters. Think of what fades faster, the anger you receive from the outside, or the anger you generate on the inside?
You believed in yourself – always. It’s just a choice. Just like how not believing in yourself is a choice.
When you work for Love, the entire Universe will work for you. It’s because, Love is the boss.
There truly is a way to step into that space whereby Love can bring you up and it can bring you down (in a good way). It’s about trusting that there is something at work that is grander than any of us can understand. It’s about letting go, a bit and also taking charge, a bit. It’s about finding what’s going to work for you. That’s the other great thing about Love, you get to create whatever position you want, so long as it’s from your Heart.
Because, I too, work at this every day, maybe I can’t explain it quite as well as it deserves? That’s why you need to continue to ask yourself what it means to work for Love. Just for you. Not anyone else. Often, the question alone will give you more direction than the answer.
Be Love.
A job is not just a job. It is a motivation of your goal (not necessarily to be just a career goal); a reminder of love (the one you loved from your previous job and this person plays a positive impact of your current & future job; because whenever you think of this person, you feel warm inside of your heart, like drinking a cup of cappuccino in the frozen winter); and a taste of life as work is part of our life. A job you really love, it not about how much money you make; it is something you want to do as part of your life. If you can’t think like this way, then work will never be easy. A former friend used to tell me that “work and happiness don’t always come together”, which I strongly disagree! As I know deep down in my heart, how happy I was with one of my old jobs. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean I am not happy with my current job. I am just simply speaking out of my heart. If you choose a job you love, you will be happy. No one will force you to do anything you don’t want to do. It is your choice of whether you can live and love a job that you have chosen. There is no perfect workplace, which is true for sure as nothing is perfect. This is because we all face people who we don’t like. If someone tells me that he/she likes everyone, I know that is a lie. I face a person in my life that I don’t like but I can’t avoid seeing this person. I don’t dislike a person without a proper reason. There is always a reason. I don’t expect everyone to treat me the same as I treat them. Now I keep on telling myself that it is fine I don’t like this person as at least I know I don’t like this person and I don’t think I will ever be. The degree that I don’t like this person comes to a point that I can’t even give a big smile when I see this person. However, I know the time that I am going to share with this person is not going to be permanent as every party has to end at some point. My life goes on and as long as I know what I am going to achieve, that will keep me going. The power that holds me everyday to overcome any problem that person has given to me is love! Everything takes time and time will tell the true color of each story. Take care! Be happy and be bright!
One more thing, when we dislike someone, it doesn’t nothing good to us. Thus, now I just only accept the fact that I don’t like this person and move on with my life. Whatever this person will bring to me tomorrow or the coming future, I will use my courage, my wisdom, my braveness and my love to solve them all. Then I can tell myself, it is not something about I don’t like this person but rather I solve the problems in front of me to make me closer to happiness and love. Be bright!
A job for me, is an opportunity to be a positive part of someone’s life. Hopefully, everyone’s life, although it’s not easy. If we view our job as our “life’s purpose” we run the risk of losing the purpose of life and that’s to be Love. Going to work is the same doing anything else in our daily lives; it’s a chance to practice giving and receiving Love. It’s not necessarily what we do as the “job”, but how we do it. And no, we can’t like everyone where we work. We can’t like everyone in life, period. But, why don’t we? It’s not what they do or do not to us, it’s what we do to ourselves.
Be Love!
There is a reason behind everything. Up until Friday, I still think why I am the one always get picked on and blamed? I mean I seriously don’t understand why people come and ask me that why didn’t go… or why didn’t you attend….? I began to wonder if they are really concerned of my feelings or they simply just want to maintain a harmony of the group where we are currently belong to? I am not feeling well and I need that personal space and time to figure things out. I don’t expect anyone that I see on a daily basis to hold my hand and tell me it is ok, what I need is respect and just leave me alone mentally. I am not comparing on purpose, but sometimes I just can’t stop thinking why this group of people is so insensitive and so curios of something that is just at an appearance level,rather than really care what and how I feel. I don’t expect people to pay attention on me, but please each one of us do have a problem that has to resolve by ourselves. I do miss someone in the past who really cared for me and didn’t ask me those silly questions. That doesn’t mean I am not happy of where I am now in my life. Anyways, now I all the sudden know what I really want now and have a plan to move on with those sad feelings and that particular person who just doesn’t like or respect me. Whatever it is, I think I may have showed that person an aspect of me which happened to me what that person doesn’t like. As otherwise, it makes no sense of why that person constantly ignoring me of my great contribution to the thing we do everyday. In a word, I have a plan to melt my ice mountain and all my problem will eventually go away with the melting water. Time will tell and time will heal. Also, sometimes that I am upset of such an important person in my life who doesn’t really see what is really going on; and there is nothing I can do about it. But in the end, I decided to give as much as I can to that person while I am around that person. That is all out of love. I thought about giving up and thought about let it go, but my love made me to love that person as it is not that person’s fault that that person can’t see what is going on. All right, be bright, nerd! 🙂