Being in your Heart is work. I want to say it’s not; I want to think it’s not; I want to believe it’s not. But, I can’t.

Work isn’t a bad thing, but it’s not an easy thing. I can reasonably estimate that work is certainly not perceived as the path of least resistance. And, what most of us opt for when the going gets tough is the easy road. Especially when it comes to matters of the Heart.

Why is the Heart so special? Because it’s real. It’s really real. Naturally, when something possesses the ability to be the absolute most beautiful thing there is, the risk is also run that it carries the converse. And, when it really gets real is when it forces us to look at who we are. Or, realize who someone else is. When we don’t like what we see, real becomes reality.

Challenges to our Heart become very apparent. Do I believe that the Heart has a capability and power like nothing else? Yes, I do. Unequivocally. I believe it can change the world. I believe it has changed the world. It certainly has changed mine. And, the thing is, when it’s good, it’s good. There’s no challenge. We don’t take notice because the alignment is calm. There is no storm until there’s a storm.

When the storm comes, the alignment is not there anymore. Life all of a sudden becomes real. The challenges to our Heart become real. When alignment becomes misalignment, the universe forces us to take notice. It is when the work begins. And, with the work comes the reality. As soon as we start putting in the effort to correct misalignment, it forces us to identify the reason for it – you can’t find a solution until you really know what the problem is. The problem with problems is that we don’t like them. They can be ugly. They can be harsh. They can be debilitating. And, perhaps worst of all, they can be true.

Truth always possesses the opportunity to be its opposite. Call it what suits you; untruth, dishonesty, lies. They are ever present. We tell them to other people, we tell them to ourselves. The truth is tough to face. And, the more we don’t do it, the easier it becomes not to. That’s why being in your Heart is work. It means running the full spectrum of reality through your life, your emotions and your being. It’s not about picking and choosing what suits your level of courage.

The deception of reality is that which lies with its creator. I’ll be the first to encourage that we each create our universe and our reality. But, I also know that it means we are either choosing Love or choosing garbage. It doesn’t mean that by choosing garbage, because you can’t process and embrace Love, you’ve created a great universe for yourself. It just means you’ll reap what you sow. Choosing garbage is misalignment. You will feel it. And, you will feel it more. And, you will feel it until you don’t feel it any longer. And, if you haven’t put in the work to find alignment and the reason you don’t feel it anymore is because you don’t know any different, you’ve become numb to it or you’ve lived in the untruth long enough; well, you’ve created a reality that doesn’t have the support of your Heart. Of Love.

That’s why being in your Heart is work; it means taking out the garbage. Not piling more on top of it until you’ve become desensitized to it. The uphill climb is not really the work, actually. It’s believing that the payoff, Love, is worth it. It’s when, at your lowest, you can still believe that Love is worth all of it and to face whatever truth you’re living. There is nothing that’s more real than Love. There is nothing more true than Love.

Be Love.