be Love

Showing: 21 - 30 of 56 RESULTS
heart to heart

thirsty, anyone….?

This morning, I was punched in the face. And, it couldn’t have been more needed. “If I embrace who I am, it will open doors, not shut them” Punch. In. Face. For me, hearing that line almost made me kick …

heart to heart

mmmm, pureed green things.

You ever notice the more you “let go”, the tighter your grip really gets? “Letting go” – it’s almost the new ‘black’ of self-awareness. You know, going with the flow, living a healthful life, having an attitude of forgiveness and …

heart to heart

save it for chocolates.

I just had a moment. One of those, “I’m bullshit”, moments. Not the greatest when it happens; but in this case, very necessary. As I started writing this original post, I typed….and paused. I typed, again; pause, again. Erase. Pause. …

heart to heart

premium or regular?

Where do you fill up? Better yet; how are you filling up? Ever just stop and feel where you are and what you’re doing? Ever take a second to really tune into what’s happening inside of you; where you are, …