be Love

Showing: 11 - 20 of 89 RESULTS
heart to heart

watt brightens you?

Arguably, I’m not the brightest bulb in the shed. Sometimes, my brain works at a bit of snail’s pace in terms of “getting” things. Like most folks, my life is a bunch of ups and downs. Things can be good; …

heart to heart

where to?

Every odd time and again, a friend will kindly offer, “you’ve got it figured out, James.” My usual response, on account of that totally not being true, “oh, I’m not so sure.” Translation: “Jesus H Macy, no way I do!” …

heart to heart

you delete me.

Early last week, the iconic, “you complete me” from Jerry Maguire hit me right between the ears. Even for a guy who semi-secretly likes rom-coms, that line kinda gives me the heaves. After my momentary lunch losing false alarm passed, …

heart to heart

happy thanksTaking!

This weekend, if you’re Canadian at least, you get together with family and friends, eat too much, argue a bit and, hopefully, give thanks for all of the blessings in your life – big and small. If you’re an American, …