A lot of the reason why we hold ourselves back in life is because we have fear. We’re scared. Sometimes a little bit; sometimes, right shitless.

It’s normal, it’s natural, it’s “life”.

But, I have to ask, “what’s to be scared of?”

Well, consequences, right? Yes, of course. So, I’ll further my devil’s advocate-like questioning, “okay….and?”

Well, consequences can be bad. I can lose my job or my house or my money or whatever. That’s true. You can lose all those things. Theoretically, you can lose anything you have. To which I counter, but you can’t lose anything you ARE.

Now, me telling you what you are, might be a tough sell (I’m going to try anyway). Me telling you what you’re not, might be easier.

What you’re not is a meat suitcase for your bones. And, holy dinosaur, that’s definitely a rouse we all fall for over and over and over, again.

To believe that all any of us is, is a bunch of bones walking around with a bunch flesh stapled to it, is craziness. You’re basically telling me that I enter this world, do a bunch of shit and die? It has to be 100% as crazy as believing all you are is Love. Just allow yourself to think about that one….it’s as crazy to believe that you’re just a human being in this physical form, as it is to believe you are greater than great; that you are Love.

And so, which belief is better?

The barrier lies, I think if I’m using this right, in what is part of the human condition. And, that’s to say, it’s easy to believe we are born, we age, we experience and we die. It’s easily believable because it’s tangible; we see it all around us.

What we can never see, is that which is greater than the remedial vision that our eyes experience. We can’t “see” that we are Love. And, because we can’t see this wonderful blanket that can and will protect for as long as we choose, we get scared. We get scared to take chances. We get scared to speak our mind. We get scared to talk to the girl across the room. But, why?! What’s to lose?!

You don’t own any this. I mean, sure; your body is yours and your car is yours, etc, etc, etc. But, eventually, it’s all going to deteriorate and decay and rust and break down. All that will eventually be left of you, is who you really are; Love.

The choice that we all have is that we don’t to have to wait for it to happen that way. You can choose to be Love right now. You can choose to sign up for cooking classes, you can choose to talk to your boss about why you think you deserve more money, you can choose to tell someone why you don’t feel they support you enough, you can choose to sing karaoke, you can choose to work at a greenhouse, you can choose to follow your Heart.

If you can read this, you’re okay. Of all the successes and “failures” you’ve had in life, of all the rewards and “losses” you’ve experienced, you’re still here. You’re okay. What does that tell you? It tells you that you’re always going to make it through. Things get rough and things get tough, but you’re always going to make it. It’s because you’re always going to be Love. It’s the choice you will forever have. No one can ever take that from you.

Live a little.

be Love.
