Early last week, the iconic, “you complete me” from Jerry Maguire hit me right between the ears. Even for a guy who semi-secretly likes rom-coms, that line kinda gives me the heaves.

After my momentary lunch losing false alarm passed, I thought, “hmmm, interesting”. (“Hmmm, interesting”, is my default response when I don’t know about something, but I want to think about it more).

Jumping on the contrarian train, I thought logically, “you complete me”, implies a deficiency of self in the absence of said person, aka the “you”. Whoever the “you” is at the time doesn’t really matter for blogosphere purposes. Basically, because of “you”, only then can a person be whole. Or so, TriStar Pictures would have us believe (insert gentle cynicism here). As I kept going with my thinking, I really started disagreeing with Tom Cruise – shoulda just stuck with being Maverick and Les Grossman. Granted, I can’t entirely blame Cole Trickle for my serene discontent. This whole business of “finding” that special person to substantiate our existence isn’t really a new concept.

To be precisely poignant and shed my slight discrimination toward the human race as being the culprit here, we actually try to “complete” ourselves from any number of sources; work, substances, sex, food, fitness, money, philanthropy and, as noted, relationships. It’s all part of a belief system that has us convinced we need more than ourselves to become who we think we need to be. And, that without the “more”, we’re not really anything at all.

As you’re probably expecting me to say, everything you need, you already have. You complete you! You, is what makes you whole. It’s not your family or your job or how much you volunteer or your khakis. It’s just you. Those are all wonderful parts of life, but think of someone that has lost their parents or is single; isn’t career focused, spends their free time reading and hates Dockers. Can they never, then, be complete? Doesn’t seem fair or logical that they shouldn’t have the same opportunity to do so as someone who lives the typical, “career, family, white picket fence” life.

We all have a Heart. And, we all have the ability to be Love. It’s that which makes us complete. All of life’s goals and successes, or lack thereof, are amazing! Truly, they are. It’s important to create a sense of meaning and purpose this way. But, when they act as distractions or deterrents to finding our true self, they lead us on the path of emptiness. We create the ability to experience that void with the attachments we seek. I promise that the key to feeling complete is by knowing that you have everything inside your Heart. The rest will be there waiting for you, not you waiting for it.

We may not know each other, but I know that who you are is perfect. It’s corny and it’s cliché, but it’s the truth. Knowing that all you need is you, allows you to choose Love. And, choosing Love makes every other decision in life for you. Let Love be the whole in your Heart.

be Love.
