“You are not given the people you want, you are given the people you need. To help you, to hurt you, to leave you, to Love you and to make you the person you were meant to be.”

The even more difficult part to come to terms with is that on some level, in some parallel, at some point, you decided it all for yourself. Your soul laid out the plan you’re on because it knew what you needed to help you along the path you’re meant to be on.

And, naturally, the inclination is to want to understand it all; why it’s happening, the reason that “bad” things happen to you, the reason that “good” things happen to you and what your path is.

But, I’ll tell you, you’ll waste the most of your precious time and energy trying to find the answers to those questions than you will by just being a part of it. By reminding yourself to have faith, to trust and to be Love.

Heck, if it makes it easier, I’ll answer the questions for you. In order as presented; because you chose it that way, because you need to learn something, because you need to learn something and Love.

There’s someone at work in your life that’s a lot greater, a lot bigger, a lot smarter, a lot everything more than you are here on Earth. It’s the YOU that doesn’t need this planet or this body to do what it does. It’s the YOU that you really are, but you have a hard time tapping into it because you need to remember to pick up milk on the way home from work. It’s the you that’s too busy vacuuming and complaining about your mother-in-law.

The YOU that’s really doing all the work, is the one that’s giving you countless opportunities to be Love. It’s the one that sends you everything you experience each and every day. It’s the one that wishes you would remember that there’s as much, if not more, to be learned from the “good” things that happen to us as there is from the “bad” things that happen to us. It’s just that, when it’s good stuff, we just say, “nice!” and go on our merry way. Stop. See the bigger picture.

If there’s ever anyone in this life that you can trust, it’s YOU. You’re one and the same. The difference is that you’re a little bit stuck here and YOU is trying to get you out. Do YOU have the power to simply pull yourself out of the stuck-ness? YOU do. But, you wouldn’t learn anything from that. The way you get out is to embrace everything in life; the happiness, the hardship, the heart break and the Love.

You can be as mad as you want at YOU for doing this all to you. But, you can also be happy that YOU is doing this all for you. In the most beautiful way, you have no one to blame but YOUrself for where you are. The moment you choose to change that blame into gratitude and faith, is the moment your life becomes YOURS.

Be Love.
