Lucid dreaming; the ability to be able to observe, and in many cases, control a dream while the dreamer is present in the dream state. It is, perhaps existentially speaking, the power to create a reality as you wish to see it.

Those that have experienced lucid dreaming know how transcendent it can be. It’s as though the Universe is your playground. Being submerged in the awareness that you’re present in a place where you control how everything looks and happens, is freedom.

Want a piece of chocolate cake? Just think of it. Want to drive a race car? Done. Fly? Just jump off that cliff. Sights, sounds, feelings, tastes; they all become real experiences in the dream state. We’ve all experienced this feeling, whether knowingly or not, if even for the briefest of moments. Certainly, at the least, there isn’t a person that can claim they’ve never experienced a dream whereby they couldn’t tell if it was real or not.

But, lucid dreaming isn’t easy. We, largely, believe that we slip into sleep and watch the imagines appear as though we were in front of a television that someone else has the remote control for; we’re simply a bystander to the dream environment. Good things happen, confusing things happen, things we can’t explain happen. And, in a few cases, bad things happen. A nightmare. We’ve spiraled so out of control in our dream, that it’s become something worse than we could have ever thought. We shrug our shoulders in the morning, “just a dream”.

Creating your dream universe just takes practice. It starts with the awareness of where you are and who you are. It requires the knowing that you’re in a place where you cannot only have control of what surrounds you, but that you are in fact, the creator. It’s embracing that what is around you, is only because of you and that nothing can harm who you truly are. It’s the way to harnessing the power of creating your dream. It’s a big responsibility, but it’s what you’re here for.

Still sleeping?

You are in the Universe you’ve created, right here, right now. You’re creating it with every breath, every thought and every action. You are the viewer and the remote controller; Love is your lucidity.

To whatever degree you choose Love in your life, that will be what you see, what you feel and what you experience. It will define whether you’re just in this dream or if you’re creating this dream. Allowing Love to determine what shows up for you is what generates your power and the control you can exert. Shitty things are going to happen, without question. It just means you weren’t relying on Love enough; most importantly, Love for yourself. But, you’ll always get another chance to dream in the very next moment or the one after that or the one after that one.

The more frequent that Love becomes present in your Universe, the more that you become in charge. The clarity and simplicity to which you’ll be able to shift every situation, every feeling and every outcome will be as though you’re in a lucid dream; lighter than air.

But, it’s practice. It’s trying and trying and trying, again. It’s having some nightmares along the way. It’s awareness of what Love is to you.

….gently down the stream,

merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,

life is but a dream.

Be Love.
