So, there you are. Standing at the podium. The microphone is on. You’re nervous; but, with good reason. It’s a bit of a big deal. You’re definitely not certain you can do this. But, you’re gonna try. You have to. It really is the next step you need to take.

You’re about to give your acceptance speech.

Your audience? One person. One. Just you. That’s right, you. There’s only one soul that cares to hear what you have to say on the matter. And, you couldn’t be more interested in you. You’ve been waiting a long time for you to come around. You’ve always known it was in you, but were just trying to be patient with you. You really have a lot to benefit from hearing this.

Do you know what you would say?

Would you go through the list of barriers that have prevented you from realizing who you truly are? Your appearance, the “bad” decisions you’ve made through life, not being honest with yourself and others around you, building walls to keep everything out, the guilt? Or, maybe you’d simply say, “I accept you and Love you for who are, who you were and who you’re going to be”?

Your acceptance speech can be as long or as short as you want it to be. In fact, you don’t even have to say anything at all. All you need to do is bring yourself into your Heart. Fully. Completely. And, let go.

There is one relationship in your life that will be the pillar to every other relationship you will experience. That is the relationship you have with yourself. It’s a relationship that, to fully realize who you are, is to fully accept everything that you come with. Your inadequacies, your insecurities and your inabilities as much as your strengths, successes and skills.

Acceptance of exactly who you are is not to surrender or give up, it’s to do exactly the opposite. It’s to realize the power you are able to possess. It’s to remove the clouds that loom overhead when you don’t accept who you are. You are who you are because you need to be.

Clouds or not, Love is always shining. Love is always waiting for you to come around, doing what it needs to in the background. Allowing it to break through the clouds only shines more light on who you really are, giving you clarity, illuminating the way. And, isn’t that what life is really about; offering the authentic you to yourself and the rest of the world?

No one is saying you have to master this the first time. But, just try it. Close your eyes, breathe, feel your Heart, feel your being, forget everything else accept the soul that is right there and say, I Love You.

Then, do it again.

Be Love.
