Recently, I was asked, “do you think there are different kinds of Love?” Immediately, I thought, “great question”, followed by, “yes” – sort of.

We hear the word “Love” all the time; “I Love this song”, “I Love shawarma”, “I Love lamp” and “I Love you”. But, what do we really mean? And, when do we really mean it? We “Love” a lot of things that are as easily forgotten as they are remembered. Ultimately, the existence, or lack thereof, of those things won’t compromise who you are or how you live. In a month’s time, you might like another song or find a new place to eat. It’s surface stuff.

But, what about the not-surface stuff? The Love we show for others? We Love our parents differently than we Love our significant other, than we Love our friends or our teammates. There are enough derivations that we almost need an instruction manual.

The Love most of us experience on a daily basis is a wonderfully beautiful emotion. In any form, Love can possess immense power. It gives us hope, inspiration, joy and a sense of purpose. Love makes us feel good. It also makes us feel bad. This is the Love that often comes with conditions. We need our partner to Love us back. We Love our best friend until they disagree with us. We Love our parents, sometimes, just because they’re our parents. A person we “Love” can quickly become a person we don’t. Love based on expectation and contingency has the ability to exert a gripping power over us.

Don’t get me wrong, I believe that this embodiment of Love is an amazing phenomenon. It gives us unparalleled strength. It’s just that, for as much strength as it can give us, we are also vulnerable to having that strength taken away from us.

The truth in my Heart is that I know there is only one kind of Love – pure Love. Pure Love is not in you, it IS you. It’s the Love you give no matter what. It doesn’t come with prospect or hope of reciprocity. It doesn’t gush over lust or dwell upon disappointment. It’s simply an unwavering force that has no beginning and no end. Pure Love doesn’t know any boundaries. It’s infinite.

Love is blind.

An idiom that couldn’t be more true. Pure Love IS blind. It doesn’t know your name, or your age, or your job. It doesn’t know where you come from, the colour of your skin, or what faith you practice. It doesn’t know what you’ve done or haven’t done. It’s just Love. It sees everyone, and everything, the same – as an opportunity to be an uncompromising and unrelenting power. It’s a power of the most humble expression. It’s not something to be exerted on others or held to any standard; it’s a brilliance that we can all shine from.

Pure Love is the “no strings attached” Love, it’s the “Love your enemy” Love and it’s the “no matter what you do to me; you can’t take the Love away from me” Love. It’s the Love that Mother Teresa, Gandhi and Jesus lived. Because none of those people are any different than you or I, it’s a testament that it’s a Love that we can all live.

Be the Love that is you. You have opportunity each and every moment of each and every day. Let go of thinking about what Love can get you and understand what Love can give you. The Love you offer and the Love you receive is dependent upon only you. This is the foundation of pure Love. This is YOU.

be Love.
