
It may be safe to say that thinking about all the things you’d like to change in your life, right now, big or small, might cause you a bit of anxiety. Or, at the least, cue the internal monologue that asks, “how the heck am I going to do all that?”

And so, how the heck are you going to do all that?!

It can, definitely, seem like all the uncertainty we’ve introduced into our lives will take nothing short of a lifetime to make certain. And, who really wants to spend their days chasing the bottom of a never-ending list? As soon as you think you’ve crossed something off, something new will just take its place.

The truth of it all is that you can’t change everything. Whether it’s because you don’t have the time, the money, the wherewithal or simply because it’s totally out of your control, you just can’t change everything. But, there’s a way around it. Or, more aptly put a way through it.


What is the level of harmony you can experience with your Universe?

Being in tune with everything around you is no easy task, nor am I suggesting it to be. But, you’ve heard of it before. Harmony goes by a bunch of other alias’ like, “roll with the punches”, “go with the flow” and “it is what it is”. So, this isn’t any sort of revolutionary idea that’s being presented to you. Just, maybe the application of it is?

We often have a not so difficult time finding harmony with the low hanging fruit; a parking ticket, a friend being a jerk, a ding in the truck door; but, what about the other stuff? What about the “big” stuff?

Just because the “big” stuff is “big”, it doesn’t mean the approach has to be any different. Regardless of the size of fire, water will still put it out. You just need to figure out how much water. The theory is the same for any of those things out of balance in your life; how much harmony do you need to find?

Well, how do we find harmony with the low hanging fruit? We pay the ticket or we let the friend be a jerk and go our way or we just let the door be dinged – we find a way to become harmonious with whatever the point of contention is. We only become overwhelmed and, often, hopeless when we assign scale, ie “big”, to that which we’re not okay with.

And yeah, I get it; a little dent in your truck isn’t the same as wanting to change your job – but, just because the problem isn’t the same, it doesn’t mean the answer isn’t.

I can’t tell you how to find the harmony you need to find. But, I’m almost positive that by just wondering how you can find that harmony, you will already start to feel it – your response, conscious or not, will be more in tune than it had been a moment ago. And, not that harmony is vindictive, but it’s kinda like, “if you’re not with me, you’re against me”. If you’re against it, the good things can’t flow.

In summary (I could’ve saved you the last four minutes), harmony is the flow of the Universe, and the Universe is Love waiting for you to figure it out.

Just my two cents.

Be Love.
