Last Thursday, something happened on the bus.

Okay. It really all happened in my head. But, it’s all the same, right? What really is real, anyway? 😉

Each morning I take the bus to work, I try to meditate. Meditation can be a million different things for a million different people. On the bus ride to work, for me, it’s stillness of my mind; almost sleeping, but not. Keeping still, feeling the air in my lungs, hearing the sounds around me, but not listening to them.

Thursday morning, I was listening. My eyes were closed; mindfully, I was getting to where I needed to be. The bus made its next scheduled stop, picking up its next scheduled passengers. Little did I know, this stop was the stop with the guy who didn’t have an inside voice. I’m sure he meant no annoyance to anyone and probably wasn’t really aware that he spoke louder than Samuel L. Jackson, but there he was. The guy whose dial is always set on 11.

I kept my eyes closed. I told myself it wasn’t anything I couldn’t overcome. My peace is louder than his war. It wasn’t working. The more I tried, the louder it got. I wanted it to stop, but each time there was a break in his conversation, I sat there waiting for his next word. I wasn’t really attracting calm; I was beckoning the disturbance.

Maybe if I opened my eyes, turned back and glared at him, that would do something? No. It wouldn’t. I knew it wouldn’t. All it would do is put a face to the voice. What if ended up meeting him some day? My impression of him would be poisoned by now knowing the identity of my morning meditation murderer.

That wasn’t the answer.

But, what was? I knew there was an answer. There’s always an answer.

I shared my Heart with him. In my mind, I gave him a piece of my Heart. My Heart didn’t get any smaller when I did this, but the external disorder did. And, I still had my Heart intact; the same as it was before I gave away a piece.

So, without opening my eyes, I gave everyone on the bus a piece of my Heart. In my mind, I stood up from my seat, with my heart-shaped Heart in my hands and walked up and down the aisle giving everyone a part of it. It never got any smaller. I could give and give and give, and it was still there. As strong as it could ever be.

As this all “happened” with my eyes closed, rear end still in my seat, I felt the effect. I felt the message that I could give away as much of my Heart and Love as I could muster, and it would never be taken from me. It is there to give. Perpetually. Without exception. Without consequence. Without extinction.

Oh. And, Johnny Microphone shut his yap. 😉

Live Love.

Be Love.
