This past week was Vulnerability Week; well, not officially. Like, it wouldn’t be on one of those “super inclusive of everyone” calendars or anything. What I mean is that, I dumped out a lot of feeling this past week. At least, for me, it was Vulnerability Week.

At first, I tried to keep it in. For lots of reasons.

Who cares?

Be a “man”.

Don’t show weakness.

You’re being stupid.

The list goes on.

I’ll tell you this, rather unequivocally; keeping it in is not going with the flow. The Universe does not support putting a mask on your Heart. I think that I thought I wanted to push it down, but I couldn’t. It was pretending.

Was it awesome to not pretend? No. It was tough. I felt little. I felt like a wuss. I felt like it was a mistake. But, above all of those clouds, I felt like I was being who I really was. I still had trouble accepting who that person was when it came to what I was feeling, but it was okay to be real. It was okay to put my Heart on my sleeve, or on the table, or in a text message, or wherever. Just so long as I putting it out there; to get stepped on, to get welcomed, to get Loved. It didn’t matter.

We’re all fighting battles – very cliché, but very true. Some battles, I’m learning to share with others. Some, I still have locked up tighter than Fort Knox. It’s just the way it is right now. It may remain that way, or it may change. It’s all centred around how big you want to allow your Heart to be.

Two things happen when you open the vault.

1 – you connect with your Self.

2 – you connect with the person sitting across from you, or on the other end of the phone, or laying beside you.

Actually, number 2 may not exactly happen that way all the time. But, you’ll still learn something equally as important. You’ll learn who you may NOT connect with. It’s like electricity. You can’t just start connecting random wires together hoping for success 100% of the time. Chances are, you’re gonna get shocked a few times.

When we get vulnerable, we’re asking to Love who we are. Not for someone else to Love us, but for us to Love us. We’re allowing ourselves to look at who we are underneath what we’re told and taught to believe we should be. It really isn’t easy. It takes a tonne of courage to say,

“I’m jealous”.

“I feel inadequate at my job”.

“I’m having a hard time being happy with my appearance”.

“I’m struggling with life”.

But, when you find that courage, you also issue a challenge. You issue a challenge to yourself on how to overcome all of those obstacles. If you don’t allow those thoughts, feelings and emotions out, how will you ever know what’s truly holding you back inside? Sometimes, just changing a light bulb won’t work. You need to knock down the wall and see which wires are fried, or crossed, or maybe not even there.

There will be people that will embrace you. There will be others that won’t understand. You’ll make a connection with those you were meant to. And, you’ll lose those that just won’t care for your “drama”. Regardless, you are the electrician. You have to find the light.

Live Love.

Be Love.
