Arguably, I’m not the brightest bulb in the shed. Sometimes, my brain works at a bit of snail’s pace in terms of “getting” things.

Like most folks, my life is a bunch of ups and downs. Things can be good; things can be not so good. It usually seems pretty convenient to point the finger to explain why. But, there’s one thing I know for sure; there is always one constant to the equation, me.

External factors don’t really change day-to-day for most of us. I still go to the same job I appreciate, sleep in the same comfy bed, have the same awesome truck and cherish the same relationships. Granted, you might be a bit down because someone ate your lunch out of the work refrigerator or you might have an extra bounce in your step because you get to wear your favourite shirt. Largely, things kinda don’t change. So?….

On this particular day, that couple of weeks ago, I was feeling less than great. Nothing had happened to get me there; it was just an average day. Only, on that day I had a different response to how I was feeling. Instead of being just crummy, I was being crummy and thinking about the other days that I hadn’t felt that way. I remember thinking that hiding in my bed wouldn’t help. Putting on my favourite shirt and going for a drive wouldn’t do it, either. Seeing a loved one or getting a hug would probably be nice, but ultimately, I felt like I was just stuck in that rut. At the same time, those days when I was feeling great, it wasn’t really because of any of those things, either.

This realization wasn’t really the easiest spot to be in. Basically, it was a complete toe-to-toe of “discouraging” versus “promising”. Discouraging because it seemed that there was nothing I could run towards to help me. Promising because it became apparent that I didn’t need to run from myself to help me.

Lightbulb – I think I finally got what “choosing happiness” meant.

Am I doing it? No. Well, not every day. But, knowing that it really is a choice is the only way to give yourself the opportunity to be there. It’s not to say that you should pretend and put on a happy face if that’s not who you are that day. It’s to say that it can be you, and it is you. Just not right now. Above all, just know that being you, with what you have and don’t have, is your happiness.

I think we often believe that material factors, someone else’s actions or companionship shape our happiness. Those can all definitely help. But, in the absence of those things, then what? Well, it’s your opportunity to acknowledge that you can choose whatever you want to be. We all have something different that really fills our Heart. But, the common thread is that whatever it is, it will be whatever is true in your Heart. And, daunting as it may seem, YOU’RE the only one that can find it. The great thing, you’ll never be without you!

be Love.
