Every time you tell the non-truth, aka lie, you deny who you are. You deny yourself the Love you deserve from you.

To have the courage, commitment and conviction to be honest all the time is no easy task. It’s just inevitable that at some point we’re going to lie. Whether it’s a white lie, a grey one, red, purple; it doesn’t matter. By avoiding the truth, we’re avoiding the truth of our self. And really, is it “inevitable” that we’ll all lie at some point or are we all just agreeing with an idea that we’ve been conditioned to believe? Have we simply accepted that to “successfully” get through life, we’ll all have to lie at some point, or is that just a lie? If a tree falls in the forest but no one is around to hear it, does it….moving on.

Living with honesty, first and foremost, means living honestly with yourself. It means taking ownership over the opinions you have, the decisions you’ve made and letting go of the daily external influences trying to convince us of what we should believe about ourselves.

“Yeah but, Jimmy, some things are just easier to fib about rather than tell the truth and create a conflict or hurt someone’s feelings.” I get that. But, I respectfully counter by saying that cutting corners for the small stuff that doesn’t matter is just going to primer you to be able to cut corners for the big stuff that does matter. And, if those fibs don’t really matter, then why not just tell the truth?

Your truth has nothing to do with anyone else. It has to do with you. It’s being able to understand that you deserve to Love yourself unconditionally. And, it’s being able to understand that those who don’t Love you unconditionally for who you are, is okay.  

Recently, I created an opportunity to share something personal with someone. To say I was uncomfortable is a veritable understatement. Every internal negative self-talk reared its ugly head – “I’m a loser”, “this person will think less of me”, “I’m weak.” And, on it went. Regardless, my Heart wouldn’t let me off the hook. It kept telling me that there would be no way for this person to accept me as I am if I didn’t accept myself as I am. If I wasn’t forthright with them, then I wasn’t accepting who I am. I was just lying to myself.

As nervous as I was, there was an excitement I had inside of me. Was I going to look like jerk? Quite possibly. Was I okay with it? I was. I felt like I was going to set a bit of myself free. Even though that was my truth right now, the most encouraging part of it all was that I knew I could change it. We can change anything. But, the change has to happen through us. Whether that’s changing how we think, changing what we know, changing whatever; it’s all within us. We can’t look to the outside for our answer.

Next time you feel like you “need” to lie in a situation, ask yourself from what source are you denying yourself Love and from what source are you looking for Love. The Love which you find and create within yourself will be all that you need to give and receive from others.

be Love.   
