There’s not much we need in life. If you’re fortunate enough to have food on the table, clothes on your back and a roof over your head, for all intents and purposes, you’ve made it. And, even if you have to struggle for all of that, it doesn’t change what the truth is for everyone.

There’s not much we need in life.

As fortunate as I am to have all of those things, I’m even more fortunate to know what the reason for my life is. To give the Love I have to give. To share the Love I have to share. And, not in a “change the world for the better” type way. But, to change my world for the better type way.

Maybe it sounds selfish, but that’s where the best version of who I know I am, is. It’s not to slightly influence or impact the lives of any impressive number of people a person would think is impressive. It’s to directly contribute and support the lives that are a part of mine. I know this. I find peace in knowing this. It connects me to my Heart. And, when we find what connects us to our Heart, we bring that which it is, to us.

We all chase. We chase power, money, influence, security, approval, answers; we chase everything. When we get it, we chase more. Even the humanitarians, philanthropists, motivators and inspirators that directly impact the impressive number of people they reach with their gifts, I would argue, still could never fill the place that is meant for the people we share life with that we can hug every day, watch grow every day and say, “I Love you” to every day.

That’s what the truth is for everyone. Not everyone is seeking that truth. Not everyone wants to face that truth. But, the realness of that truth is not a tough argument for me. And, I had that argument with myself for a number of years, whether I knew it or not. I don’t have that argument, anymore. I don’t need to. Love won. It was always going to win. It just kept trying til I finally got it. Now, it’s my turn to carry it forward for myself. To believe in it. To stay the course. To trust my Heart. To have faith. To welcome it in. It’s on me. And, I’m ok with that because I know what I believe in. I know what the truth is and the truth never changes.

Love isn’t serious. But, it’ll be the most important thing you’ll ever do.

Be Love.