I’m a little embarrassed by this one. Like the, “it was so obvious, I can’t believe it took me this long to figure it out” type of embarrassed. I’ll explain.

Be Yourself

A timeless idiom if there ever was one. And, rightfully so. It’s good advice. It’s sound, it’s sage, it’s steadfast. It’s great advice, really. I’m sure only but a certain person would truly argue against that bit of elementary wisdom. That being said, I’m also sure that the concept of being oneself strikes a bit of fear in the minds of many.

We do what we do and say what we say for two reasons; to achieve a desired result or to avoid a potential consequence. At its most fundamental level, that’s the basis for our interaction with others. The idea to “be yourself” isn’t easy on the uptake for a lot of people for reasons being rather evident. A fair guess would probably say that a good majority of people aren’t overwhelmingly comfortable with who they really truly are. It’s something I figure to be a collectively disguised individual perception of how we believe we’ll be accepted, or not, by others. By that I mean, most us are scared to really be who we are because we have the same belief that, by being who we truly are, we won’t attain whatever desired result we want or avoid whatever potential consequence we wish to steer clear of.

The result; we’re not ourselves. We do things we ordinarily wouldn’t do. We say things that really don’t reflect our true thoughts or intuition. We, sort of, show a bit of who we are but not really the whole picture. We try to offer what we think the other person wants to see. But, I get it. I get why we do it and I do it myself. It simply speaks to the fact of not being fully confident and comfortable with what’s in our Heart. It’s a condition we’ve all been subject to. It’s why I qualify it as a collective perception. We all think the same thing about the same thing. It’s like being in a group meeting where everyone is nervous to be the first person to speak and share for fear of being different. But, once that brave soul breaks the silence, each other person sees their connection to the group. The perception of difference, then, dissolves.

This isn’t about the psychology of becoming comfortable with who you really are. This is about the overwhelming reason of why you should “be yourself”. This is the why “I’m a little embarrassed….” part. The reason you should “be yourself” is because that’s what the universe wants from you. That’s it. I’m a “universe” person. I believe that the universe can and will provide anything that a person truly desires to be the person they were meant to be. The only hook is that the person is aware of the alignment to that concept.

Being who you truly are is a relative concept in that we’re not all at the same place in our respective Hearts. Now, there is no Heart that has a greater capacity for Love or compassion or forgiveness than the next. But, there is difference in the willingness to show it. To live it. And, for reason of the idea to “be yourself”, that’s ok. It’s ok because you can only offer as much as you have an awareness to give.

Here’s the idea; if what you’re putting out there really isn’t the best of what you have in your Heart and you know it, you’re not going to get the best in return. It’s why when we try to adapt our actions or tailor our words in hopes of achieving the desired result or avoiding the unwanted consequence, we often don’t. And, you know it. You feel it. You don’t feel right about who the person it is that you’re trying to be at that moment because it’s not really you. You’re not lining up with where your universe thinks you should be.

Now, there’s a bit of a converse to this, as well. If what you’re putting out there IS the best of what you have in your Heart but is still kind of shitty, that too will still be what you get in return. The difference, though, is that the collaboration you have with the universe to attain what it truly is you should have in your life will just take a bit longer. It won’t be the most direct path, is what it means. That’s evolution. We all experience evolution, just not at the same rate of progression.

The universe knows what we all want, even if we don’t. It’s just Love. We are part of the grid that connects our universe, our Heart, our true self and Love. We’re the ones that provide the strength of connection to that grid. We control our signal. When we’re not truly in our Heart, that signal is weak. That’s when the universe is working harder than it should to be able to help you out. When you truly agree to “be yourself”, your signal comes through loud and clear. It doesn’t mean what you desire or manifest will immediately appear right before you in an instant but it does means that you’ve chosen the path of least resistance.

And, for as much as can be written about this phenomenon, for as much as can be read about this phenomenon; we all simply feel it. We have all felt it. We all know what it feels like to deny what’s really inside of us, that is, when what we’re denying truly is from the Heart. Yet, we’ve still done it and will continue to do so. It’s ok. It’s part of the learning and the evolution. The universe will never give up on giving you everything. It just wants you to choose what’s in your Heart. It just wants you to choose to “be yourself”.

Be Love.