
Connection is real.

It’s the reason why that certain song always brightens your mood. It’s how you can watch that one movie over and over and over, again. It’s what draws you to a particular smell or a particular colour or a particular number (balsam, green and eight, by the way :] ). It’s connection. These are the frequencies emitted from any number of sources that resonate most with who you are. That connect with you; that tell the story of you.

Most importantly, though, connection is your greatest teacher.

Connection will guide you in an immense way. Albeit yes, although connection defines you in many physical parameters; the way you prefer to dress, the activities you like to participate in and the manner in which you represent your internal vision as your external self, connection is responsible for what shapes you most; relationships.

Connection is the reason for and why relationships enter, leave and remain a part of your life – including the relationship you have with your Self.

Think of the hundreds of people you’ve encountered in your life. Think of who has drifted through, stuck around for awhile, is here to stay and maybe even won’t seem to ever leave. Think, even, of the relationship you’ve had with your Self over the years. There are endless lessons here; joy, triumph, hurt, pain and Love.

It seems as though the general theory of connection is that it’s either there or it’s not there. And, it’s true. As elementary as it may seem to say, if a person has entered your life, there is a connection. Otherwise, they probably wouldn’t be there. But, it’s also true that connection is not just a ‘it works’ or ‘it doesn’t work’ thing. Connection is a ‘it takes work’ thing.

Connection is why you have the family you have; but it doesn’t mean that everything goes smoothly all the time. Connection is why you have the friends you have; but it doesn’t mean that you see or speak to them every week. Connection is why you have the romantic partners you have; but it doesn’t mean that you’re always on cloud eight or that any such person is even still around.

But, connection, real connection, is the reason why you do what it takes to be a family even when your physical self is frustrated and tired. Real connection is the reason why you can pick up with that friend after months without missing a beat even though your physical self has been absent for so long. And, real connection is the reason why you find a way to make it work with your partner even if your physical self attempts to stand in the way of your Heart.

Connection is rooted in the deeper part of who you are. It’s how strongly your Heart pulls you there. There doesn’t need to be a pen and paper reason for it. What your Heart says is the reason. It’s not established based upon attributes and definitions of the physical realm. Its foundation is in your Heart. Our physical limitations and boundaries are often what impede real connection, as opposed to fostering it.

To levy somewhat of a harsh opinion; if you feel as though you’re the same person you’ve always been, there’s a good chance you haven’t done any work in strengthening the connection you have with your Self. Why? Understandably, because it’s physically tough to deal with your shit. Your Heart and your spiritual being want nothing more than for you to be the beautiful soul that you are. That is your foundation of who you are. But, it’s your physical self that holds you back or convinces you that you’re “good” where you are; that you should be where you are. It’s also the reason we stay in relationships we shouldn’t. But, it is not of your Heart.

You don’t build connection; it is something that has already been long established before any of us knew so. It comes to us at the time in life that it needs to for us to evolve; to choose to evolve. You understand connection; not all will be the same. You strengthen connection; not all will get your full attention and energy. You learn and you grow. You decide which of them  will truly connect your Self to your life and to your Heart.

Be Love.