I give thanks to my Heart.

I give thanks to this part of my being and my soul, no bigger than my fist, that possesses more power than the strongest locomotive, more volume than the loudest clap of thunder, more resilience than the sun that climbs into the sky every day and more light than the brightest star in the galaxy.

I give thanks that my Heart carries me when I need it, bears the burden for others when their own cannot and is forever open to those it is connected to.

I give thanks that my Heart receives the tough times in life not as challenges that have befallen me but as challenges to better me. I am grateful that my Heart receives these challenges as opportunities to prove to myself how big it is.

I give thanks that my Heart receives the great times in life not as individual victories for just me but also as a victory to share with the Hearts that I hold in mine.

I give thanks that my Heart knows who I truly am even when I don’t. I give thanks that it guides me down my true path of Love in those times that I falter; in those times when my eyes do not see what my Heart does.

I give thanks that my Heart desires to be full not for itself but to fill those which are dear to it.

I give thanks that my Heart is strong but gentle.

I am grateful that my Heart knows no boundaries. I am grateful that it knows I can be better and bigger than each day before the last and that my growth is only governed by the days in the Universe.

I give thanks that my Heart feels compassion.

I give thanks that my Heart believes in me. I give thanks that even when I don’t believe in myself it is there telling me to trust it and that for those uncertainties I don’t understand, it does. It will guide me through.

I give thanks that my Heart knows what is real. I give thanks that it knows what Love is.

I give thanks to my Heart.

Be Love.