There’s a degree of difficulty in the desire to write with purpose. To share, not only with others, but to share for others. Will the message be relatable? How many people will it resonate with? Will people feel more comfortable or further away?

And, you think about your own challenges and wonder who else may be going through the same thing. The focus to find the common ground is the driver toward sharing something worthwhile. It’s the direction toward the connection.

Truthfully, though, the search for connection is never far away. It’s really no further than your Heart.

What’s in my Heart versus what’s in your Heart versus what’s in the mailman’s Heart is probably all different, but the motor is the same. It’s what comes out that, seemingly, creates our disconnections. The trouble is that we don’t often see or understand the input and, thus, we don’t relate to the output.

At its foundation, there really is only one challenge that we all face; and that is, what’s in our Heart?

Karmic theory aside; what you put in, you truly do get out. When our Heart isn’t bringing in what it needs, it’s going to have a tough time putting out its best. And, without knowing what’s exactly in there, or not in there; when we are witness, victim or even an accomplice to what someone else is putting out, we judge and criticize and condemn – based out of ignorance and fear. But, the Heart is still our connection, even when someone else’s doesn’t make sense or doesn’t make ours feel that great.

To say that you can’t relate or connect with someone, just isn’t a real answer. Have you ever been sad? Have you ever been happy? So has everyone else; you share a connection. Granted, you may not want to connect with the angry person, or the cynic or whomever, but the only separation between you and them, you and me or me and them, is what each of our Hearts is processing. We’re all capable of the same magnificence.

The answer to the question “why?” helps us better understand; “why” she did that or “why” he said that. But, it’s not imperative. Most of us probably couldn’t teach a class on “why” gravity works; but, we sure as shit trust it. Building a connection is accomplished by knowing that the airwaves are always open; you just have to either put out the signal or pick it up. Better yet, do both!

You can make a connection with someone just by offering them a silent blessing or, asking the Universe to help them understand their pain or their challenge. You don’t have to speak with, touch or know them.

There are an infinite number of connections we can make; this one is to simply put a signal out to whoever wants to receive it – to generate a thought, an idea, a disagreement; a moment of humanity. To say, I may not know you, but I am connected to you.

There’s strength in numbers.

Be Love.
