So….I’m bad at Love.

True. And, also, bummer for me.

Okay. So, maybe “bad” is a bit harsh and Love wouldn’t like me to put it in those terms, but I don’t think I’m very good at it.

Stick with me on this one.

In trying to convey a thought or a feeling or a message, I think, often a metaphor or analogy really helps paint the vivid picture we want. We say things like, Love is “like the sun” or “more powerful than a volcano” or “as joyful as a thousand best Christmases”. But, nope; doesn’t do it. Don’t get me wrong, Love can be and is all of those things, but what if we lay down the metaphors and analogies? What if we don’t try to compare it to anything? I mean, truly, can anything really compare to it?

And so, the reason I say I’m, “bad” at Love is because I’m trying to create a metaphor or an analogy, but make it real. It’s because of trying to pump Love up into being a certain something or having it look a certain way or mold it to a particular preference. If you’ve ever felt you’ve done something like that, I can tell you that the intention is a product of trying to fill something missing from our self. But, if there’s something, anything, I know about Love, it’s that we don’t define it, it defines us.

Love doesn’t follow anything you do. For Love to truly be part of your life, it has to lead everything you do. The boundary has to be crossed where control is released (trust me, you don’t control Love) and you open yourself up to Love moving through you.

There’s nothing special you need to do this other than to say it, think it and feel it. The biggest barrier that faces us, is simply forgetfulness. It’s forgetting to open ourselves up and allow Love to move through us. And that, is something that is possible in every instance.

You don’t have to open Love up to helping you pick bananas at the grocery store, but you could. What the approach is, is to really just clear everything else that gets in the way; the expectation, the score keeping, the drama, the ideal, everything that isn’t really Love.

All those parameters we define are the things we want to come to us. Love isn’t about what’s coming to us; it’s about what moving out from us. And, if there’s a blockage to that flow, it will be apparent to you. But, the challenge is first clearing the road to see what paths are available to you.

You don’t have to be Love at every corner. You can, but it might be a tough go. It might put you in situations that compromise your personal self. The point, here, is to just Love. If you want to Love, then just Love. Don’t tell it what it do, don’t tell it how to be or define what it should feel like.

Open up to Love and you will know where to go.

Be Love.
