Life is a perpetual merry-go-round. The more vigor and enthusiasm you push into it, the more fun it will be. And, most certainly, what goes around will definitely come around.

Somewhere to start, a great place to start, actually, is your inner peace. As a believer of getting out what you put in, whether it’s the vibration, manifestation or actual physicality of it, the peace of within will create the peace for throughout.

There’s no real magic formula here. Just a magic answer. Finding how to create that inner peace, for YOU, is the challenge.

Sure, there are some pretty universally accepted ways to create inner peace; calming sounds, meditation, reading; but, there are an endless array options that will be specifically tailored for whatever it is that you are most receptive of. Identifying what resonates with you most is what can elevate the peace you experience and are able to put out into your environment for others to experience.

Maybe, inner peace can find you on the playing field of competitive sports or in the focused movements and breathing of yoga. Maybe it’s cooking something in the kitchen or fixing something in the garage. Or, maybe it’s painting a canvas or listening to the heaviest of heavy metal music. It’s an experiment in who you are. It may be just one thing, or it may be many. This is why there is no magic formula; it requires the real work to find out what it is that you really tap into.

Don’t discount the ability of your eyes to create peace. Organization and tidiness around you transforms your inner being to one of more vibrational alignment. Studies have shown that the brain can interpret images the eyes see within just 13 milliseconds. If you’re surrounded by chaos and catastrophe, just think of how many times your brain is interpreting those images to your consciousness.

Each of our worlds are filled with to-dos, lists, stresses, responsibilities and all the shit that just goes the way we don’t want it to (even though that’s how it should be). Peace is certainly something you experience, but it’s firstly something you create to experience.

Find yourself, find your peace and you’ll find your way.

Be Love.
